
Should I Put Pricing on a Fitness Website?

September 25, 2021

Undecided on whether to include pricing on your Fitness Business Website?

While you can definitely make an argument for both including, and not including price, there are a few simple questions you can ask to make the final decision.

Question one: Do people understand the service you provide?

If you’re in a well established industry, and people clearly understand the service you provide, include price.

If your profession (like Personal Training or a gym) is well understood, people generally know what they’re getting for their money. Because of this, putting price on a website for Personal Trainers makes sense, because people are then able to match a price they know, with a service they know.

By understanding both sides of the equation, they can make a decision as to whether your business is a good fit for them.

The problem arises when you provide a specialised service within the Fitness Industry. Because your clients have no context for what you do, they fall back on standard industry rates (on what they’ve paid in the past). If you’re providing a specialised service and experience for a premium price, and people are basing the value their perceive on a standard price, including the pricing on your fitness website will scare them off.

In this case, your aim should be to arrange a face-to-face sit-down meeting with the client (which you can afford to do because you’re offering a lower volume premium product), so you can show them the experience they’ll receive. Once they understand this, the price will make sense.

Question two: Is your price a USP (unique selling proposition)?

One of the key features we include on the websites we build is the USP of the business. The USP is the unique selling point – the thing that differentiates you from your competition. The thing you do best.

In some cases, your USP may be price. Maybe you rely on a high volume of sales at a very low price point. In this case, the price is a drawcard for a potential client, and is a feature or benefit of your business.

Now there’s a surprising exception here. If you have a very high price point, for a very high (low volume) service, you can also include the price. You can use this to weed out people who may not be 100% serious about employing your services. For example, if you’re an exclusive live-in Personal Trainer and Personal Chef who charges $15,000 a month to live and travel with a client, you should list your price. It tells them you’re good.

If price is a selling point for your business. Put it on your website.

So… to price or not to price?

DON’T list your price if:

  • You’re providing a specialised service your client is not familiar with.
  • Your industry is not well understood.
  • Your price is not a selling point.

DO list your price if:

  • Your client has a clear understanding of your service.
  • Your industry is well understood.
  • You charge very high rates for a very exclusive service.

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